Deer Hunts
Deer Hunt Information
Whew, this is a tough one, how far do we go? Whitetails alone could be broken into (30) sub species just in North America. For the purposes of this hunt page we'll use these specie descriptions (this doesn't mean we're limited to these for hunting, there's just too many to describe); Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Coues Deer, Sitka Blacktail Deer and Columbia Blacktail Deer. These five species spin off into innumerable sub species and opportunity is inexhaustible.

When & Where To Hunt
Deer are the most widely spread wild ungulate in North America. Deer can be hunted in Central and South America, all 50 States and every province of Canada (Axis Deer in Hawaii). Whitetails, in some version, have been introduced to New Zealand, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, the Lesser Antilles and few European countries such as Finland, Czech Republic, Romania and Serbia. Hunting seasons around the globe are centered around the bucks antler cycles. In the Northern Hemisphere hunts start in August and go through January, in the Southern Hemisphere hunts start in March and go through July/August.
What To Expect
Anything! Deer can legally be hunted in just about any fashion you can imagine, somewhere. Over bait, with hounds, from stands, spot and stalk, hot weather, cold weather, from sea level to high altitude. Most hunters in this world cut their teeth on a deer hunt or in a deer camp somewhere in this world. Deer hunting presents more opportunity than any other animal on the planet. Our deer species are an animal that can be hunted with minimal preparation, almost any physical ability level and from beginner to expert hunting skills. Gear needs range from almost non-existent to extreme, just like the deer hunts.
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